
CR Caernarfon | 1st Team 30 - 17 Clwb Rygbi Rhuthun | 1st Team
Joshua Wilson
1 Try
Callum Bennett
2 Conversion
1 Penalty
Harri Morgan
1 Try

Match Report
18 January 2015 / Team News

Caernarfon 30 Ruthin 17

Roedd Rhuthun yn gobeithio gorffen rhediad o golli gemau, ac am awr yn erbyn Caernarfon roedd hynny’n edrych yn addawol. Ond gyda’r tim cartref yn chwarae i lawr y cae yn yr ail hanner, sgoriodd Caernarfon tri chais yn yr ugain munud olaf gan ennill y gem yn gyfforddus o 30-17.  Wedi chwarter awr roedd Caernarfon ar y blaen ar ol trosi 2 gic cosb yn erbyn un Rhuthun. Roedd Rhuthun yn bygwth llinell gais Caernarfon am gyfnodau hir ond roedd amddiffyn Caernarfon yn dal yn gryf. Gyrrwyd charaewr Caernarfon i’r cell cosb yn dilyn pwysau Rhuthun a gwaneth Rhuthun y mwyaf o’r mantais hyn wrth i Josh Wilson gyfuno efo Ben Syme yn y canol i roi Harri Morgan mewn lle i sgorio cais gwerth chweil. Fe aeth Rhuthun am yr egwyl ar y blaen o 10 pwynt i 6.  Daeth Caernarfon yn ol wedi’r seibiant gan ymosod i lawr yr allt a sgorio trosgais ar ol peth bwysau ar Rhuthun. O fewn 5 munud roedd Rhuthun yn ol ar y blaen pan sgoriodd Josh Wilson gais celfydd iawn a chafodd hwnnw ei drosi gan Callum Bennett, y maswr, i roi’r gleision ar y blaen o 17-13. Bu’r ymwelwyr yn pwyso ar Gaernarfon am beth amser ond doedd y rheolaeth ddim yno i orfodi sgor arall a thrwy hyn daeth Caernarfon yn ol i 22 Rhuthun. Rheolwyd yr ugain munud olaf gan Gaernarfon a doedd gan Rhuthun ddim atebion i’w rhedeg cryf a’u gwthio grymus tuag at y linell. Dyma pryd sgoriodd Caernarfon dri chais ac un trosiad gan sicrhau buddugoliaeth i’r tim cartref ynghyd a phwynt bonws.

Ruthin were looking to stem their recent run of defeats in this game at Caernarfon and after 60 minutes it looked as though they might achieve it but the Coffis playing down the slope put three tries past the Blues in the last twenty minutes and they were comfortable winners at 30-17.  The home side were first with points on the board with a penalty goal after 4 minutes and then the two sides got one more penalty goal apiece putting Caernarfon in the lead after 15 minutes.   Ruthin playing down slope were spending most of their time in the home sides 22 but were unable to capitalise on this territory running up against a strong home defence.  Eventually a Caernarfon player was yellow carded and the Blues took advantage of the extra man and wing Josh Wilson combined with centre Ben Syme to put centre Harri Morgan over for a fine try.  There was no further score before the break with Ruthin ahead at 10-6.  After the break it was the Coffis turn to use the slope to their advantage and after pressure on the Ruthin line scored a converted try.  Within 5 minutes Ruthin were back in the lead with a well worked try by wing Josh Wilson converted by fly half Callum Bennett putting the Blues 17-13 ahead.  For a while Ruthin kept the pressure up but lapses in composure resulted in no further score and allowed the Coffis back into the Blues 22.  The last 20 minutes belonged to Caernarfon and Ruthin had no response to their strong running and driving towards the line.  In this final spell the home side scored 3 tries one of which was converted giving them a comfortable win and a bonus point.


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